Thursday, July 31, 2014

Economics FYBMM: Terms and concepts - Part 5: Micro And Macro Economics

Micro and Macro Economics:
These are two approaches to the study of Science of Economics. In micro economics we analyze the behavior of individual economic units such as individual consumer, producer etc. In macro economics we are concerned with the aggregates i.e. the behavior of the economy as a whole. 

Distinction between Micro and Macro Economics:

1. Unit of Study
Micro Individual
Macro Aggregate
2. Method
3. Subject Matter
Study of product & Factor pricing etc.
Study of National income, general level of prices, trade cycles etc.
4. Basis
Based on Independence
Based on inter-dependence
5. Advocated by
Alfred Marshall
J M Keynes
6. Vision
Worm’s eye view. Study of a tree
Bird’s eye view. Study of a forest as a whole.

What is true of an individual may not be true of for the economy as a whole. Hence the two approaches. 

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