Thursday, July 31, 2014

Advertising In Contemporary Society - TYBMM: Q - Set 2

(a) “Today, the world over, the youth finds Indian designer wear kurtis and jackets very appealing.” Suggest an advertising strategy for a global launch of this kind of designer wear. (14)
(b)”In many Indian cities and towns, space has become a premium.” Keeping in mind India’s

distinctive cultural and social flavor, design an advertising campaign for Multipurpose cabinet.

(a)“Liberalization is very interesting economic policy with wide reaching repercussions.” Discuss Liberalization in the light of wider consumer choice.(8) 


(b) The government is an important market in any country. Keeping in mind the various economic
policies discuss the government as a market and what media would be most suitable for it.

(a)“Many developing countries, all over the world are changing their views and would like to have foreign participation”. Discuss this in the light of various strategies that need to be adopted by emerging markets (developing countries) and global markets (developed countries).(8)
(b) If you are an individual in the area of international marketing, discuss a suitable distribution

(a) “Today the consumer is person who has become very aware of his/her rights.” Prepare an internet advertising campaign for housewives coming together to create consumer awareness. (8)
(b) A women’s wing of a corporate house together with a few doctors planned to have an anti-
stress camp for police officers' wives & families. Prepare a suitable social marketing for the same.

5. Write short notes on: (Any 3) (12) 

i. Local flavor used in global advertising.
ii. W.W.W as marketing tool
iii. Promotion techniques in Internatonal advertising.

iv. Impact of advertising on perceptions and life styles. v. Current global trendes. 

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