Thursday, July 31, 2014


1. An American company manufacturing Dish Washing Machine has appointed your agency to promote its product in the Indian market. Outline the prospects and problems associated with the product launch.

1. An Indian Spiritual Centre wishes to open its educational centres abroad. Describe the challenges
anticipated in the campaign. (14 marks)

2. Comment on the nature of poverty and unemployment in the Indian Economy. What is the impact of these issues on Advertising and vice-versa? (8) 

2. Bring out the impact of Liberalization on the Indian Economy. 

3.Describe the current Global Trends in advertising discussing the 5 M’s of advertising. (8) 

3. Discuss the distinct features of International Marketing and Global Marketing. 

4. An NGO is promoting the cause of 'Ecological Friendly Packing Material'. Design a social marketing campaign using internet to promote the cause. (8)

4. A women NGO seeks support for its endeavour to provide psychological counselling and
rehabilitation measures for displaced bar dancers. How would you augment support for the social marketing campaign using the internet? 

5.Write short notes on any three of the following------- (any 3)

  1. International distribution channel 
  2. WWW as a marketing tool
  3. Strategies to enter emerging markets
  4. Social Benefits of advertising
  5. Business markets and their control on media.

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