Thursday, July 31, 2014

Economics FYBMM: Demand Analysis - Part 1: Introduction and Determinants of Demand


In economics demand means desire, need or a want of a consumer backed by his willingness and ability to pay.
Demand in Economics is the desire to possess something and the willingness and ability to pay a certain price in order to possess it.

Demand thus has four dimensions 
Market – whose demand?
Price - at what price?
Time- at what period of time?
Quantity- How much?

Determinants of Demand:

1. The price of commodity X:
Demand is primarily influenced by price. At higher price less of the commodity demanded and at lower price, more.

2. The price of substitutes of X:
The consumer wanting to buy X, also checks and compares the price of a substitute of X and then takes decision to buy.

3. Income of the consumer:
The disposable income of a consumer has a direct influence on demand for X that

consumer wants to buy.

4. Utility of the commodity:
Demand for a commodity arises because of its utility to consumer.

5. Quality of the commodity:
Better the quality of the good, more of it will be demanded by the consumer.

6. The taste and Fashion:
The taste of a consumer for a particular commodity influences the extent of demand. He will buy more of what he prefers.

7. Size of population: Demand depends on the number of buyers.

8. Expectations about future prices:
Consumers’ expectations of prices that may prevail in the near future have effect on demand. 

9. Climatic conditions: Climatic changes affect demand. 

10. Psychology of the consumers:

There is a possibility that as more and more consumers possess a particular good, others are psychologically activated to buy it. This is known as a ‘Bandwagon’ effect.

On the other hand consumers want to possess a good which is not commonly demanded by others. This is known as ‘Snob’ effect.

11. Advertisements and salesmanship:
In modern market demand for a product is created through appropriate
advertisements and sales promotion.

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