Thursday, July 31, 2014

ACS TYBMM: Q - Set 1

(a) You are the creative head of an Indian Advertising Agency, undertaking a marketing campaign for leather shoes in US markets. What cultural and social factors would you bear in mind while preparing the
campaign? (14 Marks)

(b) Advice a foreign marketer on how to launch a new soap to the Indian masses, bearing in mind, India’s varied cultural factors and geographical background? (14 Marks)

(a) Discuss the changing trends in Indian advertising over the past 2 decades. (8 Marks) 


(b) “Liberalization has widened the scope for the Indian Advertising industry”. Discuss this with reference to the Industrial Markets in India. (8 Marks)

(a) “Geography has become history”. Discuss this with special reference to the challenges in International
Advertising. (8 Marks)

(b) You are local manufacturer who has decided to enter the global market. What strategies would you adopt to achieve your goal? (8 Marks)

(a) Design an internet campaign for an NGO seeking support to celebrate Christmas for underprivileged
(8 Marks)


(b) The youth wing of your locality has decided to run a blood donation Camp. Design a social marketing
campaign highlighting the most suitable media. (8 Marks)

5. Write Short Note (any 3) (12 Marks) 
  1. Impact of advertisements on Price.
  2. Role of product packaging in Global advertising.
  3. Sales promotion in International markets.
  4. Social benefits of advertising
  5. Cross cultural advertising. 

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