Wednesday, December 31, 2014

SYBMM: Photography assignment

Students have to click 12 photographs. All photographs must differ in compositions, locations and themes. No copied material shall be accepted.
6 types of shots must be covered and subject should not be a person. Use symbolism.

6 types of shots are as follows:

1- Extreme Wide Shot
2- Wide Shot
3- Medium Shot
4- Medium Close Up
5- Close up
6- Extreme close up

Minimum 6 separate types of compositions must be used.
No repetition of theme and composition.

Following Are The Themes:

Say no to superstition
Say no to smoking
Respect women
Fight Rape
Female Feticide and infanticide prevention
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
Daughters are precious
Hamari Bitiyan
Say no to Foetal sex determination
Save Girls
Alzheimer’s Disease
Spread Education
Waste Management
Clean India
No Dowry
No Gambling
Save Water
Use Water Cautiously
Child Labor
Health Care
Anti Drink and Driving
Anti Violence
Domestic Violence
Human Trafficking

In case of any confusion you may contact me.
Submissions expected by second week of January, 2015.